Book Cover Design
You deserve a book cover design that looks amazing and has an impact. It is the first thing that the reader sees and helps them make a buying decision. The quality should rival what you see in bookstores. We can help you in finding the best combination of information, design of the picture, and wording. This will help your book cover stand out in today's market!
Content Development
Professional editing has three phases; content development, copy editing, and proofreading. Content development looks at the whole of the manuscript and how to create a more united piece.
Manuscript Analysis
Manuscript Analysis is where you look at the manuscript as a whole and how it flows. The process is the shaping of the writing before moving to the editing stage. We will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the writing. This service can drastically improve the overall message within the manuscript making it more cohesive.
Copy Editing
Copy editing is the detailed and technical grammar corrections. We ensure that your writing is consistent, it sentences seamlessly flow together.
Layout & Design
Interior layout and design are the inside design of the book. Our services include spacing, font, chapter headings, type size, and margins. The design will determine how the reader will experience the content. We will provide you with a design that gives your reader a fully balanced and clean experience.
Proofreading is the final review for any last-minute issues or spelling errors. We will use each of these areas to improve your manuscript as a whole. Creating a polished professional piece you can be proud of.